Economic and Private Sector Development


The Pillar on Economic and Private Sector Development is headed by DCC Chair and incorporates the working groups: Agriculture and Land, Public Administration, Rule of Law, Private and Financial Sector Development and Regional Trade Facilitation.

Objectives of the Pillar are to:

–        further the policy dialogue with the Government on priority areas and a broad range of issues including policies and strategies aimed at the improvement of the investment climate and the business environment, financial sector development, regional trade facilitation and more broadly at improvement of the capacity and competitiveness of the Tajik economy

–        monitor the activities of the working groups within their purview and, in turn, liaise with the Chair and Deputy Chair of DCC as needed

    •     translate information, concerns, from operational/technical level to a strategic policy/advocacy level in order to enable the Chair and the Deputy Chair of the DDC to conduct an informed and strategic conversation/exchange with the GoT when required
    •     participate at the Core Group Luncheons actively

–        insure good coordination, information sharing and solid data on operational/technical level and involvement of WG representatives at the higher GoT level when needed

–        assist DCC Leadership when needed

    •     report on the progress

Key government partners for the Cluster are the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Agriculture as well as the State Community for Investment and State Property Management.